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I got bogged belly deep on a beach on the mid-north coast of NSW. With the tide coming in and hitting the side of the 4WD we did some frantic digging and used the MAXTRAX. They lifted the 4WD out of the hole with ease. They are simple to use and I would say better than a winch in emergency situations. They paid for themselves after one use. Thanks MAXTRAX.



Just wanted to drop you a line to say that your product is awesome! Was down at the local mud-hole over the weekend when I bogged down my truck in a tank-trap…and unfortunately, I was the recovery vehicle (wheeling with Sami’s and Jeeps in a full-size). A fellow saw our troubles, and came over with these orange plastic boards; and guaranteed we would be out before lunch. Lon



Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Every penny. They simply work. Watch a couple videos on how to use them, make sure you avoid wheel spin and you will get unstuck so easy it will blow your mind. They worked so good that as soon as I got home I ordered a second set so that we have them for all four tires. They really are that good.



Expensive? Yes. Worth it? Every penny. They simply work. Watch a couple videos on how to use them, make sure you avoid wheel spin and you will get unstuck so easy it will blow your mind. They worked so good that as soon as I got home I ordered a second set so that we have them for all four tires. They really are that good.



Hi there. Just got back from Fraser Island. Got severely bogged on west coast in quicksand. Car sinking at fast rate. 2 MAXTRAX on back wheels got me out of a vehicle-disappearing debacle. Would have got it on video but everything was happening too quick. It was just amazing to watch how it all worked. Carried the MAXTRAX for about 7 years. 1st time used it saved my car. Gre



They have gotten me out of trouble more times than not. I don’t go anywhere without them now as I have become so reliant on them. We are planning a trip on the beach up at Double Island Point over Christmas and I won’t head up there without them, specially towing a camper. You have developed a unique product that all 4WD owners should never leave home without.



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